Emil Ondo, registered office: Libědice 24 438 01 Libědice, ID: 47794402, DIC: CZ6503011570. Entrepreneur is subject to VAT.
Personal consumption goods can be made at: Libědice ev. No. 11 01 438 Libědice
The warranty period for new goods is 24 months. For used goods, the warranty period under the Act, ie. 6 months.
The customer is obliged upon receipt of the goods thoroughly and without unreasonable delay inform the seller of defects detected via e- mail to the address of the seller, by mail or in person at the headquarters of the seller.
When claiming the goods, the seller and the customer governed by the relevant provisions of the Civil Code.
Complaints can only be applied to products within the warranty period.
he claimed goods must be accompanied by proof of purchase, with a cover letter describing the defects, the brand and type of vehicle mileage on the tire and the like. The cost of sending a complaint to the Seller shall be paid by the customer.
Time to settle the claim within 30 days of receipt of goods by the seller.
By agreement between the seller and the customer may extend this period.